About Abhyudaya
Abhyudaya Global Coach Circle was established in 2015 with a mandate to focus on applied and professional coach education programs, delivered in a blended learning approach addressing learning styles of diverse professionals across the world. Abhyudaya Global Coach Circle has established a strong reputation as an institution that delivers high-quality, life-changing coach education.
In our mission to build inspiring leadership for our generations to thrive and grow exponentially, MERAKI was created to bring effortlessness, fun and channelise power of sub-conscious to find solutions creatively and to conduct reflective and generative conversations.
About Creators

Jaya is the founder of Abhyudaya, Global Coach Circle, an MCC (Master Certified Coach) credential by the ICF (International Coach Federation) and has been awarded multiple awards in the last decade. Some of the most prominent one are the 100 Best Global Coaching Leaders Award by the World HRD congress (Feb 2017) , the Young leader Award (International Coach Federation) in 2019 and the ICF India Coaching Excellence Guru Award 2023. Jaya has been coaching and mentoring leaders since 2010. She has logged over 10,000+ hours of coaching and mentoring experience in diverse industries across India, Singapore, Switzerland, Philippines, US & UK ranging from high potential leaders, senior executives, senior management professionals and entrepreneurs.
Jaya Bhateja, Master Certified Coach

Pragati is a leadership assessor and coach at Tata Consultancy Services. She is currently leading a first-of-its kind leadership assessment initiative, which is at the intersection of technology and human behavior. Since 2009, she has also been instrumental in leading several strategic initiatives in the areas of talent engagement, management, and HR branding. Her belief in the power of eastern and western modalities coming together for holistic development led her to explore areas like energy healing, tarot card reading, and journaling. Her association with Jaya and this work are a result of both aspects coming together.
Pragati Mehta ,Leadership Assessor and Coach

MERAKI Philosophy
Human beings are products of cognitive, emotional, and logical intelligence. When all these intelligences interplay, they create insights for decision-making and problem-solving in any context. MERAKI is a framework to generate insights through the interplay of subconscious and conscious wisdom already available to humans. MERAKI borrows wisdom and tools from all the fields listed on the right to create a meaningful blend of art and science. It is based on a coaching model. It also works on the synchronization of the intellectual, emotional, and practical capabilities of humans to achieve the vision they have set out for themselves.

What People say about us
It was a new experience for me using MERAKI. For someone who believes in creativity, joining the dots happened spontaneously while using them towards the desired outcome of session.

Rajesh Gangwani
Executive & Leadership Communication Coach
MERAKI is thoughtfully conceived, artistically designed and eerily scientific. I was amazed at the cards that came out and conveyed me the messages that were so relevant and apt. This is a revolutionary tool in the coaching space !

Rajesh Kumar
Manohar PVT.LTD
Great visual framework for coaches to use to understand the inner workings of how people integrate their inner being with the issues at hand that they are experiencing. A must have tool in your Coaching kit!

Sailesh Moravaneni
Leadership and Team Coach
The cards provide fresh ideas and new frameworks to help spark meaningful conversations and enable deep thinking and reflection with your coaches

Archana Gauba
Leadership Coach
Have you ever picked some magical cards and got answers for your question in mind? Sounds too magical?? but I have experienced it with the MERAKI card

Remya Krishnakripa
Mid-Career Accelerator Coach helping IT Corporate Millennials

Abhyudaya Global Coach Circle was established in 2015 with a mandate to focus on applied and professional coach education programs, delivered in a blended learning approach addressing learning styles of diverse professionals across the world in an online format.