Navigating Team Conflicts with MERAKI: A Transformative Approach

Picture this: a crucial project is underway, but two key team members, Alex and Bina, are at loggerheads. Their conflicting approaches have stalled progress, affecting team morale and jeopardizing the project’s success. The tension is palpable, and the impact on the business is significant.

Many managers have experienced something similar. A manager in a similar situation explored MERAKI to navigate a conflicting situation between his team members. He called them both face to face and picked up a card randomly from the deck of cards. He then prompted Alex to consider the situation from Bina’s perspective, while Bina is encouraged to do the same. This simple exercise in empathy helped them understand each other’s viewpoints better.

Through this reflective process, Alex and Bina realized that their differences were rooted in their unique strengths and experiences. This newfound understanding led to a breakthrough, as they found a compromise that combined their approaches, ultimately enhancing the project’s outcome.

MERAKI’s impact can extend beyond conflict resolution. It has the potential to foster inclusivity, uncover hidden biases, and drive innovation within teams. By embracing MERAKI, teams can not only resolve conflicts but also strengthen relationships and drive meaningful change.

How do you navigate conflicts in your team? Would you like to explore how MERAKI can help?

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